Let’s face it, we all have items we’ve been holding onto for too long, and going through them can be daunting. But fear not! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can easily declutter your home and make your remodeling project a breeze. This blog will share top tips and strategies for decluttering during a home remodel. So, let’s dive in and get started!
Create a Plan
Creating a decluttering plan before you start the remodel is important to stay focused and on task. The plan should include:
- The dates and times when the remodel will begin and end;
- A schedule of what you need to do every day
- A list of tasks related to decluttering; and
- An estimate of how many hours each task will take.
Creating an organized plan will help you focus and avoid feeling overwhelmed by all the changes happening around you at once. Setting goals and timelines can also help prevent procrastination from creeping in during those busy days when there might be more than one thing going on at once—like trying to pack up some stuff before contractors arrive, for example!

Declutter by Category
Start with the obvious categories: clothing, books, papers, and documents. Then move on to the more difficult areas like kitchen appliances and cleaning supplies.
Start with things that are simple to discard and work your way up to more sentimental or significant items. If you’re having trouble getting rid of something, think about putting it in a box until you’ve finished the entire process. Then, go through the process once more and decide whether or not it’s worth keeping.
Finally, when you’re ready for organization, use labels on boxes so that you know what’s inside them without opening them up first!
Use the KonMari Method
The KonMari Method is simple: It focuses on only keeping things that spark joy or that serve a purpose in your life. If an item doesn’t fit into these two categories, it should be donated or thrown away. You can use this method while decluttering during your home remodel by asking yourself if each item sparks joy and serves a purpose. If not, then it should go!
Donate or Sell Unwanted Items
Donating or selling unwanted items is a great way to declutter during your remodel. You’ll be able to make some extra cash and get rid of things you don’t need, making the process easier for everyone involved. What’s more, donating or selling unused items can help local charities or businesses that could use them!
Here are some tips for donating or selling unwanted items:
- List your items online
- Arrange a garage sale
- Give your items away on Freecycle
- Donate your items to a local charity
Rent a Storage Unit
We recommend renting a storage unit to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed by the process and start losing track of important things (like where you put your favorite sunglasses). This way, everything from old paint cans to broken appliances can go into one place—and stay there until after construction!
Here’s what renting a storage unit can do for you:
- Save time and money by keeping everything in one place instead of having to pack up boxes every time you need something from the basement or attic
- Avoid damage from dust and mold due to construction activity around your house
- Protect items from fire or water damage that might happen during renovation work on walls or floors
Use Space-Saving Storage Solutions
Space-saving storage solutions can help you make the most of the space you have in your home. You’ll have more room to move around and work and less stuff getting in the way of your progress. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy your new space sooner!
Here’s how:
1) Use wall-mounted cabinets or shelving units. These are great because they take up less floor space than traditional cabinets so they won’t crowd your living room or kitchen. They also take up less space vertically, making it easier on your back when reaching for things at eye level or above.
2) Use baskets and bins to organize small items like cleaning supplies or toiletries—remember not to leave them out where pets can get into them! And if you have kids, who might want easy access to those items? Make sure they’re locked up tight when not in use!
Get Help from Professionals at TJ Handyman Services
Sometimes you need a helping hand to declutter your home. With all the stress of remodeling, it can be easy to overlook that you need to get rid of stuff quickly. The good news is that there are professionals who specialize in helping you do just that. TJ Handyman Home Repair & Remodeling Services can help tackle any organizing project, big or small, from bookshelves to closets. We’ll make sure that things stay organized throughout the process so your project doesn’t get delayed or slowed down by having to track down tools or supplies. Get in touch today!